Set Google Workspace Sync local size limit

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Set Google Workspace Sync local size limit

Post by daniele »

You can limit the size of a user's local primary mailbox account to a specified number of megabytes. The value also affects the size of delegated account mailboxes the user can access.
  1. In the registry, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Apps Sync\
  2. Click Edit > New > Key to create a new key folder.
  3. Specify EmailSync as the name of the key, and press Enter.
  4. Select the EmailSync folder you created.
  5. Click Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  6. Specify MaxStorePstSizeMegaBytes as the new value, and press Enter.
  7. Right-click the MaxStorePstSizeMegaBytes value you created and select Modify.
  8. In the Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value box, under Value data, specify the maximum size of the mailbox, in megabytes.

    For example, 4000 MB = 4 GB.
  9. Click OK.
Note: You can also set the local mailbox size using GWSMO. However, this only affects a user's primary mailbox account. For details, go to Set a local mailbox size.
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