Aggiornamento server Zabbix:You do not have the SUPER privilege on Zabbix
Posted: 13 May 2023, 09:39
Quando si aggiorna server o un proxy Zabbix occorre anche aggiornare il database.
VIsionando il log /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log oppure zabbix_proxy.log si può rilevare questo errore:
Notare l'errore 1419
Dovrebbe essere sufficiente dare i seguenti comandi
1) mysql -u root -p
immettere password per MySql
2) SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
Tornando al log /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log ( o /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.log)
dovreste vedere qualcosa tipo
3849:20230511:185203.510 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 6.0.17 (revision c81d82859a8).
3849:20230511:185203.510 ****** Enabled features ******
3849:20230511:185203.511 SNMP monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 IPMI monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 Web monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 VMware monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 SMTP authentication: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 ODBC: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 SSH support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 IPv6 support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 TLS support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 ******************************
3849:20230511:185203.511 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
3849:20230511:185203.526 current database version (mandatory/optional): 06000000/06000010
3849:20230511:185203.526 required mandatory version: 06000000
3849:20230511:185203.526 optional patches were found
3849:20230511:185203.526 starting automatic database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.549 completed 10% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.573 completed 20% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.683 completed 30% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.960 completed 40% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.815 completed 50% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.848 completed 60% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.882 completed 70% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.039 completed 80% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.078 completed 90% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.132 completed 100% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.132 database upgrade fully completed
3864:20230511:185205.141 starting HA manager
Se invece dell'errore 1419 doveste aver trovato prima l'errore 1149, allora potete provare come indicato qui: ... on-zabbix/
VIsionando il log /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log oppure zabbix_proxy.log si può rilevare questo errore:
Code: Select all
[Z3005] query failed: [1419] You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) [create trigger hosts_name_upper_insert
Dovrebbe essere sufficiente dare i seguenti comandi
1) mysql -u root -p
immettere password per MySql
2) SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
Tornando al log /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log ( o /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.log)
dovreste vedere qualcosa tipo
3849:20230511:185203.510 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 6.0.17 (revision c81d82859a8).
3849:20230511:185203.510 ****** Enabled features ******
3849:20230511:185203.511 SNMP monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 IPMI monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 Web monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 VMware monitoring: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 SMTP authentication: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 ODBC: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 SSH support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 IPv6 support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 TLS support: YES
3849:20230511:185203.511 ******************************
3849:20230511:185203.511 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
3849:20230511:185203.526 current database version (mandatory/optional): 06000000/06000010
3849:20230511:185203.526 required mandatory version: 06000000
3849:20230511:185203.526 optional patches were found
3849:20230511:185203.526 starting automatic database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.549 completed 10% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.573 completed 20% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.683 completed 30% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185203.960 completed 40% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.815 completed 50% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.848 completed 60% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185204.882 completed 70% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.039 completed 80% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.078 completed 90% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.132 completed 100% of database upgrade
3849:20230511:185205.132 database upgrade fully completed
3864:20230511:185205.141 starting HA manager
Se invece dell'errore 1419 doveste aver trovato prima l'errore 1149, allora potete provare come indicato qui: ... on-zabbix/