Controlli su evento FAILED LOGIN ATTEMPS - Windows logon types - Security/4625
Posted: 25 Jan 2024, 16:34
Logon type | What it denotes | When it is recorded |
2 | Interactive | A user logs on directly to a system. Example: User A logs in to their device by keying in their credentials. |
3 | Network | A user accesses a computer over the network. Example: User A accesses a file from a network share. |
4 | Batch | A computer runs a batch job. Example: A Windows Scheduler task executes a script that has been scheduled periodically. |
5 | Service | A service starts. Example: Antivirus software that runs perpetually. |
10 | Remote interactive | A user logs in to a machine remotely. Example: User A logs in to device B using Remote Desktop Connection. |
This type of logon occurs when a user unlocks their machine.
Network Cleartext (Logon Type 8)
This type of logon occurs when a user or computer logs on to the computer from the network, and the password is sent in clear text.
NewCredentials (Logon Type 9)
This type of logon occurs when a user uses the 'RunAs' command to run an application.
CachedInteractive (Logon Type 11)
This type of logon is recorded when a user logons to the computer without having to contact the domain controller, since the network credentials are locally stored on the computer.
Windows logon types and logon codes
Understanding event IDs associated with logon and logoff activity.
Windows logon type 3
Understanding Authentication and Logon
Security identifiers
Credentials Processes in Windows Authentication